Title for the property transferred to Michigan Audubon October 1971, among the first properties donated to become bird sanctuaries. The donor was 100 year old Charles Mott who purchased the 80 acres in 1955 as it reminded him of Calhoun Co, where he grew up. His family never lived here nor farmed the land so it was essentially untouched since 1955. They did have a vineyard along 44th St, just about where the parking lot now sits. And they planted some vegetables that were left to ripen and feed the wildlife. The property donation was in memory of his wife Martha, who liked nature.Charles co-owned the property with his daughter, Mrs. Leone M. BeshGetoor. Charles and Leone's husband founded Be-Mo Potato Chip Co. at 806 Cobb in Kalamazoo. Later the company general manager was William Brenneman, husband of Jenna BeshGetoor. The company filed for bankruptcy in 1984 after 54 years of business.
Martha M., nee Rocho, died Feb 13, 1956. Charles died 1972 at age 101. They both were born near Ceresco where they met at a dance. Later married on Christmas Day. First they farmed, then ran a general store, then Charles was a deputy sheriff in Calhoun Co. They moved to Kalamazoo and in 1931 opened BeMo with his son-in-law, David BeshGetoor.
Among plans discussed for this preserve were a small lodge and caretakers quarters. Nothing came of that. Thanks to a local troop of Boy scouts there is at least a trail.
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